The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Aristotle
The Gallery at Obscuro Studios provides a venue for a multitude of artistic expressions to occur. From Fine Art to Multimedia experiments, Performance and Installation, Obscuro Studios is a unique salon de philosophes. Each month it is opened up to a new set of artists who then create within the space an idiosyncratic presentation of their work. ​
Some of the artists show cased in the gallery include, Adam Scott Miller, Violet Divine, Chris "Ahee" Adams, Wylie Vasquez Cable, Sarah Belle Miles, Taybrook Mills, Chase Koopersmith, and Alexander Rose, David Wexler (Strangeloop), & Micah Nelson.
Josh Shaffner
The surreal yet visceral masterpieces rendered in oil by Shaffner sunder the mind, leaving one aghast in wonder and awe. Reminiscent of the original masters of dreams, the work is still as innovative as it is captivating, transporting the viewer into an interpretive daze.
The Rehabilitation of Sleep
Oil Painting , 60" x 40"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2014.
Anxiety Man & The Crow
Oil Paintings , 24" x 9"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2014.
Garden (detail)
Oil Painting , 6" x 9"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2014.
Glacier Lake
Oil Painting , 9" x 12"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2014.
Oil Painting , 3' x 4'
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2014.
Strangeloop - Anamnesia
Strangeloop's metallic prints exhibit his brilliant visions as an exceptional visual artist. As evocative as they are mysterious, viewers often get lost in them, returning to this world reluctantly.
Metallic Prints , 8'x4', 8"x10"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2013.
Jigyasa - Asvari Kumar
Jigyasa in both a painting and an augmented reality installation created by Asavari Kumar. When viewed through a handheld device using the Daquiri software, Jigyasa comes to life, with fully animated creatures and environment.
See it in action here: JIGYASA
Acrylic on Canvas, 7'x10'
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2013.
Anamnesia Collection - Micah Nelson
This is a collection of evocative concept drawings and paintings created for Strangeloop's newest short film - Anamnesia. It also includes some exquisite drawings by the artist.
Acrylic on Canvas, Ballpoint Pen and Pencil on Paper, 48"x30", 8"x10"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, Spring 2013.
The Epiphany of Sofia - Adam Scott Miller
Symbolic of the Visionary Art Movement, The Epiphany of Sofia by Adam Scott Miller is Divine in its exploration of the ascension of consciousness as inspired by Sonia Sofia.
Acrylic on Canvas, 12"x10"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, October 2012.
Violet Divine
The symbolic imagery of the tetrahedon protecting the travelling soul being absorbed into the spiraling galaxy peaks the mind spirit experience.
Oil on Canvas, 6"x24"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, October 2012.
The Burning of Pyongyang - Taybrook Mills / Andrew Martinez
The colorful vectored dream-space of this piece blasts the literally blue Kim Jong-Il to observe the burning of his city in the reflection of his aviators. Balanced on top of a portrait of Hunter S. Thompson by Andrew Martinez this piece is a mind blast.
Oil on Canvas, 36"x56"
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, October 2012.
Portraits - Sarah Belle Miles
Exploring 35mm developing techniques, Sarah's work captures vivid portraits in Black and White.
Hand Printed 35mm prints, 8"x10"
001, 11:11, Going to Louisiana, Keep Breathing, Olivia the Metalsmith (From left to right)
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, October 2012.
Holographic God - Chris "Ahee" Adams
Visual exciting, this meditative piece is truly unique. Created on multiple planes, Ahee's shifts into different perspectives as it is warped by a color changing light. Ahee's music can be discovered on soundcloud: AHEE​.
Find his new Album here:
​​Digital Print, 26"x32"​
Showcased at the Brewery Art Walk, October 2012.
Portraits - Chase Koopersmith
Chase Koopersmith captures a unique blend of costume and portraiture in her Oddities collection: Oddities​.
Find her costumes for the urban scavenger: PopKultureObject
​​Digital Print, 26"x32"​
Showcased at Elemental, March 2013.
Monochrome Reliefs - Alex Rose
Alex Rose explores the boundaries between sculpture and painting in his relief paintings. Visit his website for more inspiring sculptural paintings: Alex Rose​.
Concrete and Enamel on Canvas, 22"x32"
Showcased at Elemental, March 2013.