APRIL 27 & 28, 11am - 6pm

An Augmented Reality World created by Asavari Kumar


An Augmented Reality World created by Asavari Kumar
Come to the Spring Art Walk @ the Brewery, Downtown, LA!
It only happens twice a year, at the largest Art Colony in the US!
Featuring the work of a variety of cutting edge artists, the Spring Art Walk @ Obscuro Studios is sure to tantalize the senses. Jigyasa is an augmented reality mini-world created by Asavari Kumar. Anamesia features the Digital Creations of Director Strangeloop (David Wexler) and hand drawn concept art by Micah Nelson. Also featured are three large prints of Leigh McCloskey, be sure to check us out, 2020 N Main St, #240, LOS ANGELES, CA 90031. We hope to see you there!